Saturday, October 30, 2010

Attitude of Compromise.

Sunday October 31, 2010

Rulers: Adopt attitude of compromise

KUALA LUMPUR: The Malay Rulers urged the people to understand and appreciate the history of the formation of the country and the Federal Constitution founded on the social contract, which is the spirit of consensus and understanding among the races and the concurrence of the Malay Rulers.
“The Malay Rulers uphold that the social contract agreed upon represents an instrument which is the basis of social justice in the country that encompasses the aspirations to achieve the objective of fair economic distribution.

What can I say more.....the main foundation of peace and harmony in this nation..Malaysia. At time I feel a shame why the need for the Malay rulers to reiterate this to all of us. Like a father and son relationship...we all need to ensure moderation, willing to compromise and remember from where we come from...remembering history is very important. To make history a must subject in school... I fully agreed. 110%.. to ensure that they know where their Malaysian's  root start sick with racial fanatic,deep rooted chauvinism and religious faggots.

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