Saturday, December 11, 2010

No More Child Labour?

What a good excuses? Nobody reporting so no issue. Since 2005 not even one case reported with regards to child labour. Except for those employed for light work they can do so. Again how the law interpret 'light work'.Thus confine for child within the age 15 to 18. How about those below 15 of age.Must also comprehend that the labour department only act on child labour abuse, if reported. Another big joke. Go around lah...and check if that is so.
Not only on child labour but plenty more issue  about employment of workers. Such as employment of workforce without proper documentation kept by the employer. Foreign workers without work permit - should compliment the immigration boys if the labour department have no issue to look at., non compliant of OSHA and many more. Statement from a department which are responsible for the welfare of workers sound so normal nowadays similar like the other department. "No Report, No Issue" so where should we put the word ' pro active'.

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