Tuesday, December 14, 2010

When the Cocks and the Bulls talk cock.

Najib: Confidential investigation of Sime Darby's losses will not compromise NKRA objectives
Read more: Najib: Confidential investigation of Sime Darby's losses will not compromise NKRA objectives .
KUALA LUMPUR: Investigations into the losses made by Sime Darby Bhd's energy and utilities division -- which have been kept confidential -- will not jeopordise government efforts to combat corruption, a major agenda under the National Key Results Area (NKRA).
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said a thorough investigation method has been taken to resolve the issue, involving the close co-operation of the authorities and the company.
"Sime Darby has appointed a senior legal advisor for the legal actions to be taken against those found to have failed in their duties and obligations.

What forensic auditing? the amount is soo big...... you don't need CSI to do it. By the time we know the truth nothing but the truth, the culprit aka criminal's  aka CBT's are enjoying their new found bounty in the name of others.....hah.Cock of the same feathers never change their colors!!!
Looks like some form of corollation down here, economy seem not to be soo OK next year. CPI increase, they know it very well many moons before thus for people on the street will suffer more....

BNM may increase interest rates if CPI rises to 3.3 pct in 2011

Read more: BNM may increase interest rates if CPI rises to 3.3 pct in 2011 http://www.nst.com.my/nst/articles/BNMmayincreaseinterestratesifCPIrisesto3_3pctin2011/Article/#ixzz188BNXM3K

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