Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Child Brides -What Child Bride?

The question is? why we only make a lots of bruhaha when the event already happened.There we start again with so many kinds of and form of reaction. Then comments start to gush the road of public opinion. Some with moderate and reasonable perspective, others come all out on racial and religious bashing,condemns so with unrelenting hurting remarks all in the name of human right so on so forth. As if everybody, government, non-governmental organization, this group that group come out with their own perception, sound impressive at time so that others must follow their way of life should be and their group standard.
As of now, nobody know who and how this happen? Non of the girl family member come out from the controversy to tell why? What the fuss then?
Worst of there are groups which dismiss, getting married at that age is a Jurassic undertaking,should not have happen now. Now we are in a modern era, high technology,a transform society, they can have sex at that age if they want to, educate them but must wear condom. But not legally marriage,it is in-human.Ha..hah..ha..


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